Fellowship Fun Groups
Our sermon-based Fellowship Fun Groups are being used as a vehicle to share the Gospel and build lifelong relationships.
Luke 14:15-24 is a parable about inviting others to your home. This parable is like today in that it would be tragic for us to be invited to Jesus’ house, not show up and then have our blessings withdrawn from us. In the parable, the servant was to go out in the streets and invite all the people to his home. “Fellowship Fun Groups" are interactive (virtual and in-person) groups to be used as a vehicle to share the Gospel and build lifelong relationships – to gather together and “do life together.”
The book of Acts provides numerous examples of the early Church carrying the message of Christ outside of the temple walls; as a result, people received salvation, healing and transformation. Similarly, NBFM’s sermon-based Fellowship Fun Groups provide a setting to engage with people with whom we already have some level of relationship, in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and build meaningful relationships. These small groups gather weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly either virtually or other locations beyond the walls of the church to study the Word and “do life” together. For more information, contact nbfm2009@gmail.com. Please note that Fellowship Fun Groups will not start until March 2025 (Spring).